
The Santals are among those communities who are still lagging behind in this era of free speedy information of twenty first century. Yet contrary to the words lagging behind- the people of Santal community even today uphold vast extent of their cultural diversities and traditional continuity.  Their language is a great carrier of those cultures and traditions. Different research works from various social and cultural angles have been conducted since after SANTAL HUL in 1855. Some literatures have already been published in this language. Moreover, many aryan languages have similarities with Proto-Munda community, the clan of Austro-asiatic. Even it’s linguistic style and structure has very strong influence on these Aryan languages. At the end of 1800 century the identity of Santal community began to disclose in modern world by some anthropologists. One of the most contributing anthropologists is P.O. Bodding on this regard. By his constant effort that published volumes of books such as 5 set of Santali dictionaries, Santals characteristics with some grammar and their rich traditional research knowledge. These books availability is very limited. Moreover there remains need for deep analysis and documentation of Santali language in a modern linguistic way.

Santali is one of the languages of Austro-Asiatic language family. This language occupies an important place in this language family. The Santals are living mainly in Bangladesh, India and Nepal. At present many disagrees to keep Santali language in the list of near extinct languages. But as an ancient language it is facing many risks like other endangered languages. In the above mentioned three countries (Bangladesh, India and Nepal) compared to local influential languages it is miserable and neglected. The extent of usage of this language is confined to local areas. Even different publications are limited to local places. Moreover several types of alphabets are in use in this language. For that reason literatures written in print media are divided into several systems. Although there are a good researches and works on Santali language and cultures- they are not easily available. In recent times in India there are some literatures and research publications on this language. But these are not available in Bangladesh. Even the biggest Santali dictionary in India which is published by P.O Bodding is rarely found in Bangladesh and Nepal. It was also noticed that because of this dictionary’s high price and printing inadequacy, the book is not available in many parts of Santal majority areas.  Another important reason why this language is at risk is to use and practice very limited in modern families. The main reason behind is that there is no any strong sustainable policy in local levels (political, social, governmental and individual efforts). Though Santali speaking people live in different countries there are no integrated platforms and authorities for language practice and research resulting risks of danger. Meanwhile two dialects can be seen in India- one is northern and the other is southern. A difference can be seen between the southern style of language and cultures and those of north. The Santal people of south are used of Olchiki alphabets. On the other had the practice of Roman alphabets can be noticed in northern India, Bangladesh and Nepal. This is not the end, there are more four types Santali scripts are used is some different places of India.

It is unimaginable to keep a language alive without technology especially in the time of science and technology advancement. Still then in this age, like many indigenous languages, Santali did not get sustainable and infrastructure access to equal durable information technology fields in the midst of many other advanced languages. Though there are so many ways and opportunities by information technologies to sustain and survive a language such as recording, preservation, analysis and publicity. But Santali is far behind these means. For these reasons it is necessary to create remarkable number of resources and contents of information technology in Santali language. Linguistic Materials, their cultural and traditional knowledge and at the same time current local and relevant contents will be in this Santal Resource Database. To make Santali language a tech-friendly one Santal Resource Database has its importance.

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